Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Alive and kickin'

I'm still here.  It's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks and it's not over yet.  I just thought I'd pop in to let those readers that haven't abandoned me know I'm still alive and well.  
I do have plenty of things to update on later:  The Dead Show, Easter, the kids, homeschool updates and a writing contest I'm entering.
I hope you'll still stick around for me, or at least come back when I post again.  And for those of you who write blogs that I normally visit, I promise, I'll be back.  I haven't had time to read, either, so I hope you'll forgive me.
Here's to a peaceful few weeks - and soon!


Hayden Tompkins said...

That's why Google Reader is the BOMB! :)

Kool Aid said...

Can't argue with that!!

But then, lately, I haven't even gone to my Reader. I had over 400 updates last night!