Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Goal

Everyone is writing about resolutions.  Well, maybe not EVERYONE, but quite a few bloggers in my reader are.  I can't remember when I stopped making them.  It was several years ago, mainly because I couldn't keep any of them.
This year, I resolve to... what?  What is it about making a resolution that makes it so difficult to keep?  I'm sure we all have something we need to resolve to do.  Exercise more, eat better, quit smoking/drinking/whatever-your-addiction, build a better relationship with someone, forgive someone, give more, give less (sounds greedy, I know, but I'm sure there are people out there who give and give until they have nothing left for themselves, be it money, emotions, love, whatever), read more, write more, be more creative, spend more time with family/friends, learn to say "no", learn to say "yes", start a new hobby, finish an old project, clean out a closet, learn a new skill. 
There are so many resolutions, but why do we keep it only at the new year?  Just because it's a new year?  The start of something new always seems to lead to wanting to change something in our lives.  The promise of a do-over.  The thought that this time, this year will be different.  But why not each new month or each new day?
My church has Celebrate Recovery on Thursdays.  I haven't been to the services - I'm blessed to not have any addictions - but I do know that some people in recovery go day by day.  Before their feet hit the floor they say Thank You to their greater power, be it God or something else, for giving them this day.  Maybe they have to resolve to not take that drink, or drug, or participate in whatever their addition is every day. 
Why don't we make resolutions every day?  Maybe we do, but don't consider them "resolutions".  It's a To-Do list, or a chore list, or an "I really need to get this done today" list.  I know there are task-oriented people out there who relish the idea of getting things accomplished.  I like being able to mark off something on my list and having the satisfaction of completing something but a resolution hangs over my head like a dark cloud.
This year, I resolve to change it from "resolution" to "goal".  And my goals will be monthly, not yearly.
In January, my goal will be to work out twice a week, which is a big step up since I haven't really worked out at all since school started in August.  
Maybe in February, my goal will be to clear out some things I've collected over the years.  It's tough being a pack-rat married to a non-pack-rat.  Or maybe I'll step up to working out three times a week.  I don't know yet; I'll decide in January.
I like this plan better than one big resolution for the whole year.  I might actually be able to keep a resol- oops, I mean, goal and not break it.  I encourage you to be creative in your thinking for the upcoming New Year's Resolutions, especially if you have trouble keeping them.  Maybe you just need to look at it from a different angle.  Write it down, email yourself a reminder once in a while, put it on a calendar, stick it to the fridge.  Help yourself keep your goals and be successful.  
So, what is your goal for 2009?
(wow, is it really 2009?!?)


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post. I am not a huge "resolution" maker myself. Added stress that I don't need. I do however make a letter to myself each year. A positive letter of sorts. This seems to make my "to do" items flow better.

Clutter is a huge thing in my life right now. I am overwhelmed looking at all that I need to clean, throw away, give away, etc. I have decided one room, one drawer at a time. My neighbor did this at the end of last year. She took one room per week and cleaned. It took her sometime to cover the entire house but she did. Little by little.

Happy New Year to you!

Kool Aid said...

Hi Cricket! Thank you. Making a letter is a neat idea! I'll have to remember that.

I like your approach to cleaning out your stuff. I should do that, too. A little bit at a time doesn't seem so daunting a task.

Happy New Year to you, too!

Unknown said...

I prefer to set goals rather than make resolutions too. There is always so much guilt if we fail at keeping our resolutions. But if we are talking about goals, it's much easier to go back, revisit, and rewrite goals if we need to.

Best of luck to you in keeping your GOALS in 2009!

bethany said...

This is what I am doing too-makes it so much easier than setting whole year goals!! Good luck with yours.

I have some other links to people doing Goal a Month resolutions too here-in case you want to link up!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

I also think of my resolutions as goals. And yes, we should resolve daily to reach our goals.

Thanks for sharing!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Good luck, working out twice a week is a great goal. Aren't fresh starts wonderful?


Kool Aid said...

@Heather You're absolutely right about the guilt. That's part of why I quit making them in the first place. But maybe by calling them goals, I'll be able to better maintain them.

@Bethany Thank you for the link! I'll check it out later once the kiddos head to bed.

@Susan It's good to know someone else feels the same way about daily goals.

@Pam I love a chance at a do-over. Fresh starts are great.

Thank you all for visiting! I really appreciate it and hope you'll come back.

Beachcomber said...

I like your style. That is a good way to do your goals. I have the same goals to get more exerise and to declutter.

Kool Aid said...

Hi Beachcomber,

Yeah, I figured it would be easier to keep things monthly instead of the whole year. Either way, it's still an improvement over last year.

Thanks for visiting!