"Do you have a stinky diaper?"
"Let's go change"
"Ewww, you're stinky!"
"I got BIG poop!"
"Yeah, you do"
Points to the dirty diaper "Look, a mountain!"
Yeah, this is my life.
Have you ever held butterflies in your hand? Barely there, then gone? Fleeting, aren't they? This is how life is and this is what I write about. Fleeting moments of life that pass us by, barely there and then you miss it if you aren't paying attention.
Love it! Denial of a stinky diaper despite its mountainous contents.
yeah, and he likes to go hide when he's "stinking it up," too. He's a mess, no doubt about it.
I have much more intelligent conversations with my one year old. It starts out with me saying, "Hey, are you stinky?" And then he pulls at his diaper saying, "Da" over and over again. He also says that when he's happy, sad, hungry, hurt, etc. We have great conversations :)
I'm just glad he's not talking back to me! I get enough of that from his big sister.
Those early conversations are the best, aren't they?
This is too funny. Kids do say the darnest things, don't they?
Hi Barbara, welcome!
They do say the darnest things! I could probably do an entire blog on funny things my kids have said. It's too bad my "mommy brain" has forgotten some of them.
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