Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm a twit

yeah, I did it.  I joined twitter.  As if I don't have enough to distract myself with.  I'm not entirely sure how long this will last since I won't be using my cell phone for updates, but I wanted to see what it was all about.
So, if you're interested, or just bored and looking for something to do, my twitter link is on the sidebar.
I'm updating this to say that I'm not so sure I'm going to keep up with the twitter.  Yeah, I know, how flaky am I to give it about an hour or so to try it out, but I just don't see that my life is interesting enough to warrant a twitter account.  After an hour, I couldn't really come up with anything more than I'm worthlessly spending the entire day at home, on the computer.  I still have the account, but I'm not leaving the badge on my blog.  And since I don't have a cool new iPhone to keep it up while I'm out and about, I just don't see the point for me.
If you decide you must go looking for me over there, try Kool_Aid16.


Unknown said...

Stumbled over here from Writer Dad's.
I too find Twitter a bit of a minefield. I mean, what to say when you're sat in front of a computer all day with a cup of tea as your companion?
Some people use it as sport - see how witty or funny a sentence they can write (using the EXACT number of words). And no it doesn't always make sense!

Kool Aid said...

Hi Tara! Thanks for visiting. I think I've seen you comment on several of my favorite blogs, not just Writer Dad's, so thanks for stumbling in.

I'm sure Twitter is something that will take some getting used to. Maybe someday, but I don't think it'll happen today. I'm certainly not a gifted enough writer to write a clever sentence using the exact number of words, but that is an interesting idea...

Kool Aid said...

I just made a connection! I was at your site earlier today reading. I'm a little slow sometimes. Forgive me.

Anonymous said...

I'll follow you around. I haven't really figured out how to be a good twit myself, and I've been one since March of 2007. I think...I think I really like the concept, it's putting it into practice that I'm finding most difficult.

Kool Aid said...

Hey Scott, thanks for visiting!

I'm not so sure how much I'll use it, but time will tell. It is an interesting comment and great for people that like to text and IM and stuff, but that's not really what I do. Well see how it goes....

Anonymous said...

What in the world is Twitter??Grandma needs help again. dgl

Kool Aid said...

I couldn't explain it if I tried....